Sunday, May 25, 2008

Birthday Mis-adventures

It was gray and drizzly when I first woke up, so I took that as a sign to sleep in extra late today. I didn't end up going out until after noon (gasp!).

I had a good plan for a nice long walk today (yes, another one) which would take all afternoon and then lead me to Simon's favorite pizza place for dinner. Didn't quite work out like that. I crossed the river and headed uphill to Fort Belvedere. I got there around 1:15, but I discovered the fort didn't open until 2. I decided not to wait, since there wasn't really anywhere to sit and it was starting to rain again. I walked along the old fortification wall, downhill, and then when I got to an old city gate, headed back uphill and up lots of steps to San Minato al Monte. This is a really beautiful Romanesque church, with great views of the city and with great byzantine style mosaics.

I had been told that if you go late in the afternoon you can hear the monks chanting. But, I had overestimated how long it would take to get there, especially since I didn't stop at the fort. So I didn't get to hear the monks. They had a nice looking gift shop--at least what I could see through the window, but that didn' open until 3. I was ready to go at 2:40, but waited until 3:15 and no sign of the shop opening, so I missed that too.

From there, back downhill. This was supposed to be late in the day and near dinnertime. Alas, only 3:30. So I headed across town (again) to go to Santa Maria del Carmine, which is where the famous Brancacci Chapel is. Luckily I got there just before they closed. After that I was really hungry for gelato, but of course when you want some none is to be found.

I went home to rest before dinner. Then I went looking for Simon's other favorite restaurant in town, which wasn't too close. Another long walk--and guess what--it's closed! I had another couple restaurants written down on my map. I went to find another, but it didn't exist. So I went back to a vegetarian restaurant I had seen the other day near the synagogue. They had one free table left--lucky for me! The food was really yummy-- not Italian, but still good. I had cheese filled crepe thingies.

Alas, I never found cake for my birthday. I'll have to get some tomorrow.


Geoffrey said...

went to see Indiana Jones last night. During the show the fire alarm went off. It was difficult to tell whether the alarm was part of the movie or for real. eventually the mgmt turned on the lights and we all had to evacuate. apparently the alarm was triggered by a power surge. No one took it seriously which makes you wonder what would have happened if it had been for real.

Happy birthday! A bummer about the gelato. Some days nothing goes right. hard to believe there are restaurants in italy that aren't open. damn!

Am still waiting for you to find good gnocci

Phyllis Davis said...

I love the photos. Your hair is really short! Looks cute. Sounds like you are getting lots of exercise. Katie is probably wishing she could find a vegitarian restaurant.

Pink Hubcaps said...

you didn't mention the nice birthday phonecall from your sister.