Wednesday, June 4, 2008

More museums....

As soon as I stepped outside today, a pigeon crapped on my head. Luckily, things improved from there....

We visited two more museums today, and I think everyone in the group has just about seen all the museums and churches that they can handle. Looking at art is hard work!

First we went to San Marco which is an old monastery, famous for two things. First, it is where Savonarola lived/worked. He was a fiery preacher who warned against the excesses of the rich and was vehement about how everyone was going to burn in hell. He was eventually burned at the stake. Second, the monastery is where Fra Angelico painted scenes in each of the monks' cells and painted a beautiful annunciation scene in the hallway. The museum has also collected many more of his paintings. They also had a library there with huge music manuscripts on display, like the ones at the Siena Cathedral.

After lunch we we to the Galleria dell'Accademia. I especially appreciated being part of a group today since we had a reservation and could walk right in, whereas most people were waiting in a line that extended all the way down the block. This museum was the most crowed spot we've been to yet. It houses Michelangelo's David as well as some of his unfinished sculptures which are all amazing to see. There's also a bunch of other stuff--but after David (and museum-going for 2 weeks), who wants to look at some second rate paintings? There was a little section of the museum on musical instruments collected by the Medici which was kind of interesting though. In the picture on the right are hurdy-gurdies (whatever those are).

Finally, back home for a quiet evening without looking at more art, which might push me over the edge.


Anonymous said...

Hurdy Gurdies are kind of like bagpipes you play by turning a crank. You can hear them on the Robert Plant/Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin) album "No Quarter"

Pink Hubcaps said...

there is also a hurdy-gurdy setting on my keyboard.

also...did you take a shower after the bird crapped on you?

Geoffrey said...

Savonarola sounds a lot like Jeremiah Wright. Maybe the results will be similar.
Am not sure I understand the painting which has a lot of free floating hands around the saint's head and someone spitting on him. Must be a religious thing

Phyllis Davis said...

The ailment you are suffering from is called "sensory overload." I hope you feel better!