Friday, May 23, 2008

May 23

Dad was impressed with Katie's blog and was wondering why I was not so industrious. Not to be outdone, and especially since I have discovered free access to wi-fi from my apartment, I'll try it out.

I arrived on Wednesay and spent the day as a zombie wandering the city. Yesterday I did some more exploring and today the real site-seeing began.

Today's itinerary:

--Giardino dei Simplici

--Cimitero degli Inglesi
--Mercato di Sant' Ambrogio

I nearly gagged walking through the fish aisles, but in the outdoor stalls I bought some yummy goat cheese.
--Borgo degli Albizi, which is a street with all sorts of 14-15th century palaces.

--Gelato from Vivoli (the best in the world, apparantly)
--Santa Croce, now my favorite place in town.

--Some other stuff, but I was pretty much beat at this point and don't really remember .


Anonymous said...

I saw Radiohead in Piazza Santa Croce in 2000.

Anonymous said...

there's something odd about the lighting in your pictures. It's like the lens is oily.

Enjoy Florence!

Geoffrey said...

What is Santa Croce. sounds like and R&B singer to me.

You may recall that our rental in Florence had such a tiny kitchen that the refrigerator door wouldn't close because it would hit the stove first. It was also about 110ยบ w/no breeze. Hope your timing is better.

Ignore Brian's comments. His eyes are glazed over.

Nice and wet and cold in Portland still. Oscar misses you. I think he'd enjoy Austin when you return. Just let me know

Phyllis Davis said...

I'm jealous and wish I could be in Italy right now.

nicole davis said...

I noticed a bog fingerprint on my camera lens at the end of the day. I cleaned it, so hopefully the rest of the pictures will be better. Santa Croce is a church, with some lovely cloisters. For some reason, all the tourists walk right by these so they are very quiet and idyllic.

Geoffrey said...

your weather appears to range from high 50's to high 70's. not too bad. I can't remember what that is like. We've had a cold front parked over the top of the West for weeks. Intersection of cold front from west and north with hot front from south and east right across the plains states has resulted in a whole slew of tornadoes. General bedlam. Seems to me it was that sort of thing that got Dorothy and Toto in trouble.

Oscar and I will be doing the Beaverton farmers market today. (he has to sit in the car as "no pets allowed") Leeks are now in season so we've had potato leek soup. A real treat.

A McMansion is going up just the second house down on the right on Hawkins from Skyline. 8600 square feet, plus outdoor pool and cabana. Looks more like the lodge at Mt Hood than a house. It should be pretty when finished, but I hope the tour buses that drive by don't congest traffic too much.

More pics!

cd said...

Wow. Have to admit - I'm completely jealous. The pictures look amazing, and I can certainly think of worse places to be than Florence in May! Myanmar comes to mind, currently, as does the Sichuan region of China. And Newark or Detroit pretty much any time. :)

This is a great site. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop on your activities and keep those pictures coming! In lieu of my own Florentine vacation, I'm living vicariously through yours. If only there was a way you could email some of the food to us...

Glad that you're having fun and getting to see such amazing places and scenery.

Beware of the Vespas.